Friday, October 17, 2008

Love/Hate relationship with Wii Fit

Wii Fit is fun. I really burn some calories and work up a sweat doing the hula hoop.

But Wii Fit also officially diagnosed me as "overweight." In front of my friend. She was very graceful, barely looked at the TV, pretended to be busy and didn't say anything, but I am SO embarrassed. I have a BMI of 25.2. Wii said that a BMI of 22 is healthy.

So now I'm buying special K and stuff for salads and low fat snacks..........I really wanna lose weight. I'm shooting for 10 lbs. But I can't afford a gym membership, and working out with two kids is hard. Even when I check videos out from the library, the kids get in the way or turn the channel, or just turn it off. ANNOYING. And that Wii Fit is my friend's, so I can't use it all day. (Which, by the way, my kids would LOVE. We could do it all day. 'Cuz they know it's a video game. And they love video games. Makes me a little sick how much they love them and how good my 4 yo is.)

I walked 3 miles every morning for 2 months with a friend and didn't see a lick of difference. I didn't change my eating habits, but THREE MILES A DAY did nothing to change my body!!!!! What the CRAP is that about?! And it's not like I'm a total pig. We don't ever eat out. I make most of our meals. We don't buy oreos.......but I eat a bowl of ice cream almost every night. (But ever since Biggest Loser made me check the ice cream label for HFCS, I haven't had a bowl!! Over a week ago!! Now I eat Special K chocolate delight when I want sweets at night.)

Anyway.......I hate the junk around my middle. Really, really, REALLY hate it.

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