Saturday, October 4, 2008

My kids watch too much TV

It's true. They're up around 7 am, and turn it on and watch Curious George and Sid the Science kid and Superwhy. Then maybe Tom and Jerry, or House of Mouse. Backyardigans, wonderpets, Diego, Dora the explorer. Ni Hao, Kailan, Sesame street.

Meanwhile, I do the dishes (YUCK) or shower and get ready or do a load of laundry or blog.

I know I should read books with them, but I guess I'm just too selfish. I'd rather feed my need to be validated by blogging.

It's not like this everyday. One of my kids is in preschool twice a week. We run errands and have playdates at the park. They don't sit perfectly still and watch their shows - they play with a lot of toys and with each other. I try to go outside with them at least once a day, now that it's not scorching hot mid-afternoon. But I've never made play dough. I don't have them color or do a "quiet play" ever.

It's just hard. And I'm lazy. It's easy to turn on the TV. And it's not like they're watching Ren and Stimpy. They sing along with the songs and learn colors and letters.

But I suppose I should be the one teaching them, huh?

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