Monday, October 20, 2008

Now I feel like a total jerk

I told Husband that instead of going to a theater, I'd rather have the money and go shopping. He said, "So. You'd rather spend money on random crap you don't need than go out together."
"Nothing's changed."

He got out the checkbook and wrote me a check for the amount, handed it to me and said "Happy Birthday."

It's been kind of a quiet evening.

I KNEW he'd react like this. I want to spend time with him, too, but I NEVER get to go shopping for myself. (Which of course makes me want to do it even more.)

And I'd rather go shopping than go see a play. I'd normally love to see a play, but it's my birthday and I should get to pick, right? I LOVE shopping so very much, and never EVER get to do it. Except I'd knew he'd see it as me choosing to buy things over spend time with him. (Different love languages.)

But it's like me saying on his birthday: "Instead of having s e x twice today, I'm throwing you a surprise party!!" I'd rather have a party, but he'd rather do the other. So he never gets birthday parties, and neither do I because he hates them. (Even though I'd LOVE a suprise party.)

But now I feel like a jerk because I'd rather go shopping than spend time with him.


1 comment:

Hizzeather said...

I wish that you had a better relationship with your husband! My fiance used to tell me little white lies all the killed me! The road for us to get to complete honest took a long time, but we made it. You two need to have a policy that you can talk about anything and not be judged.

I hope you don't feel like I am judging you, but honestly, if you feel the need to blog about this, I just know you are craving someone to understand you! I am a very good listener and my friends always come to me for advice. I definitely don't have it all together, but I don't pretend to, and I'm okay with it.

If you ever want to talk, email me or text or call! 949.300.0392